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Find the Right HVAC Settings for Winter in Your Home and Office

Have you optimized your HVAC settings for winter? Setting your home and office to the right temperatures and using a smart thermostat to switch temperatures automatically can allow you to stay energy costs and stay cozy.  

Winter Thermostat Settings For Your Home

You have the most control over your home temperature, so we suggest you take full advantage of that by using a smart thermostat. These devices can turn down the temperature when you’re not home, or when you’re sleeping, but warm the house up before you get home or wake up. That way, you save some money while still being comfortable. 

According to Stats Canada, most Canadians set their home temperature between 20°C and 22°C when they are home and set it to 16°C and 18°C when they are at work or asleep. If you have a gas furnace, this results anywhere from a 6 to 13% reduction in the amount of gas you use to heat your home. 

Winter Thermostat Settings For Your Office

You can use your office’s smart thermostat just as you use your home thermostat. Unless you store temperature-sensitive products or equipment, you can set the night temperature of your office lower to save on utility bills. 

However, when you’re setting the time that the smart thermostat should turn your furnace down, consider the cleaning staff. You don’t want the office to be too cold for them while they are working. Also, consider when your earliest staff members come in to decide when the smart thermostat should start heating your building back up.  

What about daytime temperature? You need the office to be comfortable enough that staff members are not tempted to bring in space heaters or simply complain that the office isn’t warm enough. Therefore, we suggest you choose somewhere in the average wintertime temperatures that Canadians find comfortable: between 20°C and 22°C. 

Other HVAC Settings to Consider

The furnace isn’t the only thing you should consider in the winter. Other HVAC appliances are important for keeping your home comfortable in the cold. If you find that your skin and eyes get dry in the winter, you’re feeling the effects of low humidity. Using a humidifier can restore some moisture to your home and help your skin cope better. 

You should also turn your HEPA air filter back on in the winter. While most allergens won’t arrive until spring, HEPA filters will still help you handle pet dander, dust and smells. As most people don’t open their windows much in the winter, their air tends to get stale and stuffy. A proper HEPA filter can make your home much fresher, help tackle smells, and reduce your dusting. 

Need help with your heating system or other HVAC appliances? For all of your HVAC needs contact Handy Bros. Home Comfort. 

