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It’s day 10 of our “12 Days of Giving” and today was a day to remember! Our Heroes had a ton of fun on the farm, having another creative day of giving back!

Visiting J&E meats, touring the farm and seeing how they operate day to day was a very unique experience! They truly offer something special for their clients out here. We are excited to partner with them once again to inspire change!

Today, our act of giving comes in the form of a grocery haul. We’ve loaded up bags with J&E high quality meats and are heading to the grocery store to fill our carts! There are so many people going through incredibly tough times, something as simple as a grocery haul and some gift cards can can really help someone out. Nobody likes to admit when they are struggling, and due to privacy reasons, we were happy to simply fill this couples fridge and freezer with food. Having both lost their jobs recently because of closure, this couple could use a helping hand. That’s what our heroes are here for.